Dr Sławomir Kukliński received his PhD with honours from Warsaw University of Technology in 1994, and since then, he is Assistant Professor there. He teaches mobile and wireless systems. From 2003 he has also been working for Orange Polska as Research Expert focused on mobile and wireless systems with emphasis to self-managed and cognitive solutions.
At present, he works intensively on network slicing. As a principal investigator he led many national research projects and was involved in many international projects, including FP6 MIDAS, FP7 EFIPSANS, FP7 4WARD, FP7 ProSense, Celtic COMMUNE, he coordinated Polish-Luxembourgish project on Cognitive SDN (CoSDN). At present, he is involved in EU-Japan project 5G!Pagoda, EU-China project 5G-Drive, and EU project 5GDrone. He was working on SDN standardization in ITU-T (Study Group 13) and now is involved in IETF and ITU-T activities on network slicing.
Slawomir Kukliński has published more than 50 conference and journal papers, served as a member of TPC of many conferences and gave several invited keynotes.